B.A., B. Ed., LL.B

Barrister and Solicitor

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Main Office

50 Piedmont Crescent,

St. Albert, AB  T8N 5E7

Ph:  +1 (780) 455-5553

Fax: +1 (888) 428-0506



Medical – Personal Directive is prepared to take care of the medical decisions on behalf of a person should they be unable to communicate.  For example, as above, if someone has a stroke and can no longer speak or if they are in a coma.  This document becomes critical for the person (agent) appointed to be able to make medical decisions on behalf of the person who is unable to speak.  Again, the important point here is that this document, although it may be prepared and signed today, does not take effect until 2 medical professionals have declared the person incompetent to make medical decisions on their own behalf.

Without the above documents, it is a very lengthy and difficult process to get someone appointed.  It can take up to 6 months to get court approval, after criminal background checks and police record checks, before the court will appoint someone, not to mention the legal fees involved.

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