B.A., B. Ed., LL.B

Barrister and Solicitor

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Main Office

50 Piedmont Crescent,

St. Albert, AB  T8N 5E7

Ph:  +1 (780) 455-5553

Fax: +1 (888) 428-0506



If you have been separated for over one year and just haven't filed for divorce yet, we can help make it easy.  If you have divided your property or perhaps there was no property to speak of, and you just want to get divorced, it is a simple process.   

As long as you have lived in Alberta for at least one year, you can file for divorce.   You will need to provide:


1.  Marriage Certificate;

2.  Photo of your spouse;

3.  Address of your spouse so we can serve him or her;


Provided there are no children (or no dependant children) then we can file and process the divorce right away.



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